1.  The ancient Greeks had an extensive knowledge of the stars.

2.  The shadow appeared to have an extensive knowledge of dolmens and their whereabouts.

3.  His extensive knowledge of products and promotional literature will further strengthen the substantial market activities of the company.

4.  John had received preliminary notice that his services would be required by the Navy, as he had extensive knowledge of commercial diving technology.

5.  And I think that er, Mr was chosen because of his extensive knowledge of the subject.

6.  But explosives experts with extensive knowledge of bombing scenes say that there is much that Congress and the public should be concerned about.

7.  But fulfilling such dreams is going to take extensive knowledge of plant genes.

8.  Clinton has developed an extensive knowledge of Northwest issues.

9.  During the session, Colby for the first time provided some of the details of extensive knowledge and complicity on the part of the United States in the coup.

10.  Fortunately, I work with people who have extensive knowledge on these subjects.

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